Mobile Application Development

Arfadia Mobile Application Development
Mobile Application Development is the set of processes and procedures in developing software application for small, wireless computing devices such as smartphones or tablets. Nowadays, mobile area continues to expand and develop an established landscape of its emergence and integration into the digital so that applications are popular with business owners and their customers. Below are the benefits of creating mobile application :

  • Build Relationship
  • Build Loyalty
  • Reinforce Brand
  • Increase Visibility & Accessibility
  • Generate Repeat Business
  • Enhance Social Networking Strategiesraphs
  • Increase Sales & Profit

  • Easy to Access Product
  • Notifications of Special Event, Product Launces
  • Embedded QR Code Scanner
  • Tracking Products Location
  • Saving Time to Access rather than use PC

Arfadia professional experts produce and design Mobile Application to obtain all those benefits for our clients. We are able to develop these application for all smartphone and tablets such as IOS, Android, Window Phone and Blackberry. Below are the types of Mobile Applications that have been created by Arfadia :

  • Radio Streaming
  • Video Streaming
  • Maps
  • Web View
  • Multimedia Applications (Audio, Video, Image)
  • Courier Tracking
  • News Portal
  • Company Profile
  • Customizable

Contact Us to find out how we can assist your business and making a seamless transition into the e-business world.
  Bahasa  |  English

PT. Arfadia Digital Indonesia

Raudha Building 2nd Floor.

JL. Kuningan Barat II No. 21, Mampang Prapatan.

Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta, 12710, Indonesia.

Phone : +628118867897

Whatsapp : +628118867897

E-mail : [email protected]

Arfadia | Mobile Application Development